Sales Tech

Ensure sales increase and competitive advantage with Sales Tech.

We develop sales strategies through our own methodologies, define objectives and goals together with the client and create evaluation criteria for better service and sales performance.

What are the possible benefits of digital transformation in sales area?

What are the possible benefits of digital transformation in sales area?

The use of technology in the sales area allows for important developments that contribute to continuous improvement and the creation of a competitive advantage. Our products seek to deliver the same needs, however, with artificial intelligence, algorithms and Business Intelligence. This guarantees increased sales and the creation of an important competitive advantage for our customers.

Sales Strategy

We develop the sales strategy by combining all market intelligence information (competitor strategy and industry volumetrics) with a deep internal analysis. In this way, we ensure that the company pursues the right plan, addressing the main opportunities and filling the main gaps.

Review/Creation of the Commissioning Policy

We define the best commissioning model, the policy's target audience, commission rates, ensuring alignment of the company's strategic priorities with its sales team.

Team sizing

Through modeling and proprietary methodologies, we were able to measure the number of salespeople needed for the best service and best sales performance. In addition, we balance the client portfolio with the objective of maximizing the revenue of each commercial portfolio. Finally, we work with different organizational chart scenarios in order to support the correct size of the team.

Excellence Program

We develop or improve, together with our client, the entire excellence program of your company. We clearly define the objectives and goals, create the evaluation criteria and develop the program item by item. We also assist with implementation, ensuring that the excellence program is an integral part of the business and involves all employees.

Where are we
  • Rua Clodomiro Amazonas, 1435 - 3º Andar

  • Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 04537-012

  • 11 99769-6606

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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